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The Horrors of Child Sex Trafficking: Sound of Freedom

Writer's picture: Kim BoobyerKim Boobyer

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

Gut Wrenching Heartache

and Bravery

By Kimberly Boobyer

July 10, 2023

My Mama Bear is in full gear after going to see the movie, Sound of Freedom, the faith based movie about child sex trafficking. It was a difficult movie to watch, a true story that is horrifying to have to believe. It was depicted with great care, giving thorough insight without explicit content. It is a movie you can take your teenagers to see for a valuable learning experience.

I think we all know that child sex trafficking exists but this movie hopefully compels you to take immediate action. I hate that we live in a world where it is necessary to make a movie like this. This movie had to be made and needs to been seen. Children are not safe in our current culture for a variety of reasons, the dangers of sex trafficking, being at the top of the list.

There are still opportunities to see Sound of Freedom. I highly recommend you do. After waiting 5 years to be released, it has been an incredible box office success selling over $40 million after just six days in release.

Sound of Freedom will be available for streaming exclusively at Angel Studios after it stops playing in theaters. Visit or download the Angel app to watch it!

Here is the link:

Please consider taking immediate action:

  1. After seeing Sound of Freedom yourself,

Purchase tickets for someone else at:

2. Support Collier Citizens Against Sex Trafficking CCAST

CCAST is a local organization that is working hard to end sex trafficking right here in Collier County.

Lisa Stedman is the Founder/CEO of Collier Citizens Against Sex Trafficking. Together, Lisa and her husband David, empower victims and help prevent further victimization of the vulnerable within their community. Go to for further information and to contribute to their worthy cause.

While watching Sound of Freedom I couldn’t help but think of my father. He, like the character Tim Ballard, played by Jim Caviezel, spent his career in law enforcement. My father extradited the most hardened criminals from all over the country to the largest walled prison in the world at the time, the State Prison of Southern Michigan.

Law enforcement always has elements of dangers, but some assignments are extraordinarily more dangerous than others as in the case of Tim Ballard.

My Father, having also served as a U.S. Marine, prior to his law enforcement career, had plenty of experiences that invoked courage and also suffering. His experiences similarly to Tim Ballard’s, deeply wounded him emotionally. Jim Caviezel did a remarkable job of portraying the intense suffering that Tim Ballard and the overwhelming majority of men and women who serve in these capacities endure.

I can still invision the tears welling up in Jim Caviezel’s eyes and the expression of anguish from witnessing the horrors that sex perpetrators inflict on their victims. I remember the same look in my father’s eyes on occasion. The look of unspeakable, vexatious agony that forever lingers in the recesses of the mind. We should have profound respect, admiration and empathy for those who are willing to face grave danger to serve and protect, risking everything to rescue victims, like Tim Ballard. They are true heroes.

This stirring of emotion had me recollecting about my dad. We watched a lot of movies together while I was growing up. Movies like Spartacus, Ben Hur, True Grit, Pale Rider, Dirty Harry, to name a few. The themes were always the same, epic or heroic. They depicted the achievements of some distinguished hero or heros, and sometimes heroins. Most movies made then were intended to form the morals and affect the mind with the love of virtue. The end being to elicit morals and illustrious acts of bravery.

The movies I grew up on did not glamorize evil, like so many of the movies today. They left an impression, making us want to be heroes too. You believed you had the capacity. They stirred us to act with valor. As I became an adult our favorite movie became Braveheart. Being Scottish and loving history made it a no brainer for us.

My father was well read and especially loved reading history or fiction based on history with plots that revolved around war. Having been a marine I guess he couldn’t escape it. He not only read great stories, he was a great story teller. Hence, I was surrounded by stories of bravery and courage growing up. Having all those incredible examples to witness, I concluded that my father was the greatest hero of them all. He not only possessed all the same qualities those heroes characterized, he was my dad, that in itself was enough. I grew up feeling safe, loved and protected by my father.

What a stark difference from the reality so many kids have today.

Please consider doing something to make a difference in a child’s life today. Go be their hero.

My mission is to invoke the courage of a Mama Bear in everyone to go forth and

fight to protect Life, Truth & Beauty

Contact me at:

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